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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DeI 18

MP3 problem

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I got the mobiBLU mp3 player for Christmas, and lately, I've been having some problems. I ripped some music off of some CDs to put them on the mobiBLU, but they won't play. I think it's because the songs are WMA files.

My question is this, is there any way to change the songs from .wma to .mp3?


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Go to the options in WMP (assuming you use that for ripping) and change it from WMA to MP3. I prefer ~200kbps vbr personally.

Alright, thanks. I'll give that a shot. I've never been a big fan of WMP, but I use it anyway :rolleyes: :lol:

EDIT: It worked perfectly, thanks Project.

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No problem. I actually encode all my stuff in 2 formats: WMP lossless and 192kbps VBR high-quality, ends up being ~210 kbps in VBR. The lossless stuff is like, 1000 kbps... absolutely sick.

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No problem. I actually encode all my stuff in 2 formats: WMP lossless and 192kbps VBR high-quality, ends up being ~210 kbps in VBR. The lossless stuff is like, 1000 kbps... absolutely sick.

1000 kbps!!!! :o

That quality is amazing.

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