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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PITCH Holders

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I just learned about these holders tonight. Read some review... heard nothing bad about them....Some skaters rave about them. Are they better than graff?? Would like some opinions. Also I Am kind of worried about the forward pitch of the cobra. So with the pitch holder I could mess around with the pitch. I have only skated on TUUK my hole life....Doing all this work...JUst want to get it right! Mission Pitch Claims it won't twist????????????????????? :huh:

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i skated on tuuk custom + my whole life and going to a cobra on my graf 705's only took me about half a practice to get used too.

yes i couldnt skate for the first 10 minutes it felt like i had never skated before but now i cant feel a difference and all is well.

just my experiences tho

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The holder.

Well, I always skated on my toes with the tuuk. So maybe cobra is the best for me. I don'f know.......Just have alot going on with the balance issue then I throw in the Pitch Issue just makes me nervous! If JR wants to use the pitch... Then I better go with it. Just like some opinions of the Cobra holder from some MSH Members that have used cobra.

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PITCH will skate like a Tuuk, but stiffer.

However in your situation, Cobra will be better because it will be stiffer. We just need to profile the steel to match your 9'.

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PITCH will skate like a Tuuk, but stiffer.

However in your situation, Cobra will be better because it will be stiffer. We just need to profile the steel to match your 9'.

Ok... I feel better now :D

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