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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 skate for sale

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$800 for a pair hockey skate?!? You can get 2 pairs of high end skates for that money....geez

I second that!

3 pairs of Vector Pros or Bauer 8090...

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Any bets the kid who's winning the auction, who registered on ebay 4 days ago and has no feedback is on this board can't/won't pay for the skates?.....


i bet you anything

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Any bets the kid who's winning the auction, who registered on ebay 4 days ago and has no feedback is on this board can't/won't pay for the skates?.....

I was just going to say this,before I saw your post.But there is no way he is going to pay for them,unless he just won 1,000 in the Lottery.

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Too bad. The #2 bidder looks like the real deal. He just bought a XBox 360 for big bcks.

I was thinking the same thing.... this is seriously nuts. $900 with shipping for a pair of skates that you've never even seen nor had a chance to put on???? Obviously, I'm in the wrong business..

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And now..... with 17 minutes left..... drum roll please.... $1,125 w/o shipping. WTF????? :blink: This is seriously the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen....

edited to keep up with the bidding..

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I remember a pair of Nike Air Force 1 Shoes goes for over 1,000,000 on eBay and guess what the bidder had zero feedback.People are just jerks,

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I know it is a bit extreme but my policy is that I simply cancel their bids and put them on my block list. It saves me a lot of time/money wasted.

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