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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yet Another Skate Fitting Thread

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I'm currently skating in size 7.5E CCM Vector 5.0 skates. After reading some of the recent fitting threads, I have come to realise that I need a deeper fitting skate.

I have a wide-ish forefoot...the toebox on my Vectors fit fine. My arch is shallow. If I lace my skates up tightly, I get pain on the sides of my foot around the arch/mid-foot area and a bit on the top. Performing the 3rd eyelet pencil test, I have to tilt the pencil significantly to get it to touch the eyelet...think see-saw.

I am not sure if my heel is normal or narrow. I have no complaints about the heels on teh Vectors.

Do the experts out there have any skate recommendations for me in terms of brand and model? The LHS I have near me carry little to no stock, so unfortunatley, I do not have the luxury of trying on many skates. I will probably resort to ordering from the internet.


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Could I possibly add to this a little as I am interested.

I have shallow arches. My skates fit fine, but I have been taking some skating lessons, and the instructor advsd me to get arch support as he says I stand on my inside edges too much for it to be just the way I am standing.

Whats a good sole/arch support for skates.

I also use CCM, but the 852 tacks in 11.5 E

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I'm currently skating in size 7.5E CCM Vector 5.0 skates. After reading some of the recent fitting threads, I have come to realise that I need a deeper fitting skate.

I have a wide-ish forefoot...the toebox on my Vectors fit fine. My arch is shallow. If I lace my skates up tightly, I get pain on the sides of my foot around the arch/mid-foot area and a bit on the top. Performing the 3rd eyelet pencil test, I have to tilt the pencil significantly to get it to touch the eyelet...think see-saw.

I am not sure if my heel is normal or narrow. I have no complaints about the heels on teh Vectors.

Do the experts out there have any skate recommendations for me in terms of brand and model? The LHS I have near me carry little to no stock, so unfortunatley, I do not have the luxury of trying on many skates. I will probably resort to ordering from the internet.


My sugestion would be the CCM Pro Tacks in a size 7.5 E.

They would be slightly deeper than the Vectors.

CCM skates generally fit 1 1/2 sizes down from your regular shoe size

The Tack line of skates offer a lower arch, and wider mid-foot volume

If you order some 2005 Pro Tacks, you will have a 30-days free trial which is an awsome deal i.m.o.

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ju87, you might also want to look at the RBK:s line of skates, whitch fits deeper then CCM:s and also have a narrow heel, wide toebox and the wider midfoot last feature, to fit higher insteps.

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Just this weekend, I tried on the 892 Tacks, the RBK 7ks, and the Vector 7.5's.

The Tacks were considerably shallower than the others, to the point that the sides of the tongue barely came to the eyelets on me, while the Vectors and RBKs were just right. With a Vector on one foot and a RBK on the other, I really couldn't tell much of a difference overall, if any. The RBK heel was maybe very slightly narrower when I first put them on, but both boots felt basically identical. I was basically begging the guy doing my fitting to give me a single tangible difference (fit, build, anything) between the two to help me decide which to buy, because they felt exactly alike to me.

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