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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer 6000 stick

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ive been through too many composite sticks this year, and im looking to try a wood stick again. im a drury type of guy, and im interested in trying the bauer 6000 in the p91 pattern. ive read reviews and looked online, but i havent had a chance to go to any stores yet. how does it weigh in comparision to other wood sticks, such as the 5030. how is the kick of the stick, and how thick is the blade. those are a few of my questions, thanks. and has anyone seen them around toronto in the p91 pattern? i dont see this pattern carried alot so im going to call around.

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All around its a pretty solid stick. the weight is what can be expected from a higher end wood stick, its fairly light. the kick is realy nice as well. try it out, cant hurt to bad as there only 35cnd here.

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also, is the one40 wood stick from nikebauer replacing the 6000 in 2006? in the 06 catalogue it says the one40 has the same 4-carbon reinforced handle, which matches the 6000 description. they also come in the same patterns i believe

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its a good stick, blade is slightly thicker than composites, has a nice soft grip to it, shaft is not to boxy but not too round either.

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also, is the one40 wood stick from nikebauer replacing the 6000 in 2006? in the 06 catalogue it says the one40 has the same 4-carbon reinforced handle, which matches the 6000 description. they also come in the same patterns i believe

Probably the same stick, new paintjob.

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