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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pavelski Pro Pattern

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Who the hell is Pavelski and which manufacturer makes sticks with this pattern?

I have no clue who Pavelski is, and as stated in the title "Pro Pattern" implies that it is a pro stock pattern.

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wow, he got a bunch of SL, just ask him a pic, this could me a great pick up.

come on syracuse you blew it for me! jk

yeah i myself don't have an ebay account, so this would be a problem

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Those are Joe Pavelski's.

He plays for the Wisconsin Badgers.

He uses a retail Sakic pattern... yes, I'm positive...

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Those are Joe Pavelski's.

He plays for the Wisconsin Badgers.

He uses a retail Sakic pattern... yes, I'm positive...

Thanks #94. Do you know Osiecki's pattern? The picture looks like the same thing on ebay.

EDIT: Are the Osiecki's the assistant coaches sticks for the Badgers?

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