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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike V-11 Shins

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Hey Guys,

I got these for X-mas and was able to use them tonight for the first time. I really like the fit and protection, but the top flap seems to keep popping under my knee or out above my pant, which for some reason, really bothers me. I've used tape there in the past and it's really uncomfortable. Ontop, I don't think it would help it much because it's moving inwards mostly, instead of outwards. Any suggestions?

The Shin Pads

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i always fold that part down so it adds padding to the knee cap (tucking it under the existing pad). beware though, getting hit on the top of the knee hurts like hell.

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usually if that happens i take that top flap and fold it inwards for a while then when i'm down I pull it back out and next game it's usually ready to go.

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For all the nike shinpad owners....do you guys feel that the bottom straps are useless? I was thinking of cutting them off because they don't feel like they serve a purpose!

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For all the nike shinpad owners....do you guys feel that the bottom straps are useless? I was thinking of cutting them off because they don't feel like they serve a purpose!

Nah. Initially, I hated all the straps on the Nikes b/c they don't have any stretch...it took a while to get used to, but now, I love it. There's nothing like it. I like the bottom straps as well. I feel better with them. All shinpads should use the nylon webbing straps.

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I wear these pads inside the tongues rather than over so I like to have the bottom strap to keep them inplace. If I wore them out I'd likely lose them.

Should I cut all of the top part off, or just the very top? You can see a stitch that seperates the part into 2.

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For all the nike shinpad owners....do you guys feel that the bottom straps are useless? I was thinking of cutting them off because they don't feel like they serve a purpose!

Nah. Initially, I hated all the straps on the Nikes b/c they don't have any stretch...it took a while to get used to, but now, I love it. There's nothing like it. I like the bottom straps as well. I feel better with them. All shinpads should use the nylon webbing straps.

i hate the straps, they get really hard and stiff

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