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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Next Sakic

Pro Sticks

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Has anyone been to the Kanata Sens Plex... i heard they are selling alot of pro sticks, and i was juts wondering if anyone has seen it? i want a Fisher Sl, i had a synergy of his love the curve almost a sakic. anyother hear about this?

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not sure, but after hearing about sticks and such being sold at the Molson Centre and the ACC and never seeing anything at Sensations at the Corel Centre (Soon to be the ScotiaBank Place - Friday) it wouldn't suprise me. I know some guys who play out there so I will check with them and post if I find anything out, kind of curious myself.

Next Sakic - my buddy at work says they do have sens sticks there, not sure about Fishers though...you may want to give them a call. (613) 599-0225.

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I got a couple over the last little while. Its my home rink, so im there minimum 4 times a week. They have alot of sticks lately. No heatley's and if there was they would get sold sooooo fast. All OPS are 100$ and shafts are 69.99. Last time I was there they did have a couple fishers.

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Next time your in would you tell me if they had any like Lidstrom clones, or any big Heel/Wedge type of curve.

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I got a couple over the last little while. Its my home rink, so im there minimum 4 times a week. They have alot of sticks lately. No heatley's and if there was they would get sold sooooo fast. All OPS are 100$ and shafts are 69.99. Last time I was there they did have a couple fishers.

Any Schaefers?

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I got a couple over the last little while. Its my home rink, so im there minimum 4 times a week. They have alot of sticks lately. No heatley's and if there was they would get sold sooooo fast. All OPS are 100$ and shafts are 69.99. Last time I was there they did have a couple fishers.

fisher sl?

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