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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey, im looking into an easton synergy SL i was wondering what there durability is like and if i should go with the modano/forsberg blade or iginla. Does the thickness of Iginla make it feel wierd. Finally is the stick worth the price if not give me suggestions ops or shafts thanks.

I am curently using an easton z-bubble grip and vap. xx

Thanks again in advance

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well the durability isnt the greatest. i had one last for almost 2 months and the next last for almost 3 weeks. a kid on my team has now gone through 6 of them in less than 2 months. for the blade its all personal preferance. the inginla however is not any thicker than the other blades. i would suggest getting a vapor xxx if your going to spend the money and get a high end stick. mine has held up very nice since i got it. its only been a month but theres no signs of breakage.

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I had 2 sl a couple months ago broke both in month--One on a one timer and the other on a slap shot. Fought with easton becase they said a one timer was misuse--No Lie! But on the team I play on alot of guys love the stick but they say they havent had one more than 6 months...if thats good? :o

on another note there are a few guys that use stealth and one of those guys is still using a 04 stealth---now I know thats good. :D

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but isnt the iginla curve a lot thinner then blades like the forsberg i am curious is that makes it feel any different/worse or does it have no affect

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but isnt the iginla curve a lot thinner then blades like the forsberg i am curious is that makes it feel any different/worse or does it have no affect

I don't think it is any thinner but maybe longer or shorter the forsberg curve is what I use it is a great curve for a D man Easy to keep my shots low.

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i dont think sertain blades are any thicker or thinner than others. only shorter, longer, some are open and others are closed or in between the two.

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.  i would suggest getting a vapor xxx if your going to spend the money and get a high end stick. .

whats good about the vapor xxx

What you are paying for with the XXX,Stealth is very light flex and feel. I have found for example the Stealth to be a very light great feel and a great flex point. the one I used I bought for 50 bucks of a guy it was a year old I had it for 3 months. So I would spend the extra 20 bucks and get a stealth or the XXX. The sl Did'nt (to Me) nothing like the stealth.

I now use the Z Bubble because of $$$ and I would use that shaft with aZ carbon Before the SL. JMO

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Is there anything other then the xxx or steath that be recomended over the SL like is the rbk 6k shaft any good or the synthesis something like that i am open to any ideas

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If you are going to use this stick for more than a month, don't get a Stealth. Amazing stick until the blade breaks off, which isn't long enough for it to be worth it.

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Alright, I'll be the one to say it:

Search through the topics. Practically every stick under the sun has already been discussed at length here. Check out the stick reviews as some even have formal reviews posted.

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If you want to go with a XXX try out this - blue stick - It's a Vapor XXX without the grpahics on it. For only $100, it's a good deal. If you want to go with a shaft, the Synthesis/Synergy II would be an excellent choice.

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If you want to go with a XXX try out this - blue stick - It's a Vapor XXX without the grpahics on it. For only $100, it's a good deal. If you want to go with a shaft, the Synthesis/Synergy II would be an excellent choice.

thats what i use

as soon as i get more time ill put up a review for the XXX

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