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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok so here is the deal. I have an option to get a pair of Vector PRO (with LS2 on them) for 200.00 USD or a pair of Synergies 1300 C for 300.00 USD. I've heard good things about both. THey both feel great. Which one should I go for ?

Also does anyone who owns the 1300C experienced the same problem they had with the 1st synergies ? (ankle rubbing, stuff peeling off)

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Well i used both a pair of CCM Vector ZG 130's with LS2 holders and the easton 1300c, i had a better overall performance with the synergy then i did with the vector because its a constant stiffness you get out of them and there very light, and for a peeling i have a little boddle of Super Bonder locktite glue and everytime i see its coming off i just re glue it back together and the toe i put alot of toe pro coatings when i got them, so my toe hasnt peeled yet and same for my skate ive had them for a year and they still look new, you just need to maintain them. On the other hand the vector i liked them alot of comfort cuz its a stiff but not too stiff boot, but the protection in the vectors is way different then the ones in the synergy's, you get a shot on the vectors it hurts way more then the synergy's just go for the ones that you think feel best for you, my personal pick would be the synergy's, just maintain them alrighty if this helps, make a wise pick thats all i can say cuz skates are critical, either you like them or you dont

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Well i used both a pair of CCM Vector ZG 130's with LS2 holders and the easton 1300c, i had a better overall performance with the synergy then i did with the vector because its a constant stiffness you get out of them and there very light, and for a peeling i have a little boddle of Super Bonder locktite glue and everytime i see its coming off i just re glue it back together and the toe i put alot of toe pro coatings when i got them, so my toe hasnt peeled yet and same for my skate ive had them for a year and they still look new, you just need to maintain them. On the other hand the vector i liked them alot of comfort cuz its a stiff but not too stiff boot, but the protection in the vectors is way different then the ones in the synergy's, you get a shot on the vectors it hurts way more then the synergy's just go for the ones that you think feel best for you, my personal pick would be the synergy's, just maintain them alrighty if this helps, make a wise pick thats all i can say cuz skates are critical, either you like them or you dont

Thanks for helpful reply.

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I have Vector Pros now and I love them. I've had them for about 9 months, and they have held up great I have also used the 1300c. Didn't have any problems with ankle rubbing, but the material on the toe did peel off. Not a big problem, a little glue takes care of it. My suggestion would be to go with the pair that fits better. What have you been skating in? If you have been in CCM, I would go with the Vectors. If your worried about ankle problems go wit the Vectors, or wait for the new Synergy skates.

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hated them, no other word for it, i kept breaking the blades i was to heavy for them, the ls2 was the perfect switch up combo

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