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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates Too Big

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Hi All,

I bought a new pair of skates at my LHS for Christmas and I am now convinced they are .5 size too large. I don't blame my LHS; in fact, I'm not interested in blaming anyone. I'm looking for a solution, if there is one.

It's been a few weeks now since I purchased the skates. Is there any reason to expect any advice/remedy from the shop? I don't want to contact them and have them react defensively. Is my only recourse to live with it, or buy new skates (don't want to do that obviously)?

Any input at all would be welcome.

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Have they been used?

If not, you should be able to go back to your LHS and get an exchange for the right size.

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Yes, I've played four times in them. I realize I should have acted more decisively in deeming them too big as soon as I wore them the first time, but I thought,..."Maybe I didn't lace them up tightly, etc."

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If your LHS won't let you return them, just buy another pair of skates, and put the old ones on ebay. By the way, what skates did you buy?

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Well since you've worn them, they wont exchange them. The best thing you could do would be to trade them in possibly? Ebay?

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Oh well,... I guess I'll have to start figuring out how to pay for new skates. The skates are Graf G3s (without the perf. steel runners). They are wonderful, my left heel just lifts enough to bother me.

I have no idea how skates sell on eBay. Any thoughts on how much of my $400+ I'd get back?

Thanks guys,

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I don't know how old you are, are your feet done growing? If not you could hang on to them until they fit.

i would try and sell them here before ebay. (No auction fees)

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Well since you've worn them, they wont exchange them. The best thing you could do would be to trade them in possibly? Ebay?

When I bought my skates at my LHS, they told me that after skating in them, if they didn't fit properly I could take them back within reason, assuming they were in good condition of course. If you're thinking about trying to take them back, do this as soon as possible.

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I had the same problem as you did just last week. Because I have used them already I could not return or exchange them because I was outside my LHS' 30 day fit guarantee even though I only wore my Supreme's less than 10 times. Luckily I was able to sell them for a reasonable price!

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