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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Hi-Lo's

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Well I may be over analyzing, but I have an observation followed by a question. I was helping my son change his wheels today on his C-4's and noticed that the second wheel does not touch the ground. I looked at my Missions and found the same thing. I realize that with weight on the skate the wheels deflect enough so that all of them touch the ground.

My question is this: has anyone used a 80,76,74,72 lineup? It seems like this would keep all the wheels on the gound. If not four different sizes, maybe a 74 in the second position. Does anyone know Mission's thoughts on this??

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and noticed that the second wheel does not touch the ground.

If you have just changed your wheels (front to second), maybe your front wheel has worn down more. If anything the front wheel is slightly rockered up I thought?

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hi-lo's run a 80-80-72-72 wheel setup. they're designed to have "all 4 on the floor" with that setup of wheels. I wasn't aware that 74's would even FIT under that inner 72-slot

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I have never heard of the second wheel not touching. I know Mission had a semi-rockered front toe, but as far as other brands, they should all be touching the surface.

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Well the wheels are pretty new. I swapped them around on the other skate and found the same ting. The gap is not much, but it is there. I had not thought of 74's not fitting in that slot. The semi-rockered front toe would put that wheel )the front one) off the ground right?

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Okay, on closer examination, I mean really close, I mean I must really have nothing better to do tonight examination, It appears that the one wheel that is off the ground is very very slightly smaller than the front one and than the 72's on the other skate. He must have been using that one for almost all of his push off's.

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