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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet combo

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My son just got a new CCM helmet with a cage. Both the helmet and the cage are sized L...

The helmet is fine, but the cage is to large for him.

My question is - would it be ok to use a Medium cage with a Large helmet? Would it affect the combos protection in a negative way?


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I use a medium sized cage with a large helmet. The cage size normally goes by the length of your face. I don't think it affects its protection in any way.

Thanks for your reply!

Well, if it works for you it should work for him i supose. I'll give it a try!

Thanks! :)

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I used to make those changes for customers all of the time. It's amazing how often someone really needs a hybrid combo.

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I used to make those changes for customers all of the time. It's amazing how often someone really needs a hybrid combo.

It is? I didn't know about that!

Well then i guess it wouldn't be that crazy to use a Medium cage with a Large helmet. Just what i was hoping to hear!

Thank's everyone!

Great forum, great guys (and girls)! :rolleyes:

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