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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate recommendation

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First post-new to the board. 38 years old 6'0" 200lbs been skating organized beer league/pickup hockey for 10 years and pond since I was young. I have always skated on Bauers. As I got better I stepped my skates up. I currently skate on a pair of pro stitched 95/96 Bauer 2000 made for Greg Adams size 8 1/4 CA. My skates before that were 1998 Bauer 5000 and before that Air 90 skates. I have skated Bauer because I like a stiff skate, although I like to leave my upper eyelets loose for ankle roll. Now I am wondering after all these years if I really am in the right skate. First off I dont feel like I get a great heel lock with my skates. I have tried an AA heel counter and all it did was pinch my heel terribly. Tried tightening upper laces but lose ankle flex. I also feel like maybe these boots are too deep for me. I look at my lacing pattern and the upper 3 or 4 eyelets are closer than my midfoot and I have these top laces loose. Most guys the laces in their ankle area are a lot further apart than the rest of the laces. Is there a test for proper depth/volume? Never have really felt totally comfortable with the tuuk blades either. I miss the feel I had with my ICM holders. Does anyone know the radius on an ICM and what it would be comparable with today.

So what I am looking for is suggestions. My foot type would be narrow heel, normal midfoot and toe area. Normal arch and I guess normal to shallow volume. I like a stiff lower end to the skate and prefer to have lots of ankle mobility. I skate with moderate knee bend and have been told that I skate "heavy" by various people. I skate about 4-5 times a week. Thanks.

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I would suggest trying on the upper end of the Tacks or Vector line that have the following attributes seemingly aligned with your preferences:

Narrow heel

Mid to wide forefoot

Average to shallow fit

Stiff holder (at least stiffer than Tuuk custom+)

Stiff boot

Great heel lockdown with the lace locks

Ability to lace the top loosely for plenty of ankle movement w/o losing foot lock.

Good luck!

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Try a Graf 703/G3 Regular width. Actually try on as many different skates as you can, but I think the G3 is going to be very close to what you're looking for if I understand your post correctly.

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First off thanks for the reply Timber. I was looking at the new Tacks line. It sure seems like it has all that I am looking for. How are they holding up and how is that e-blade holder as far as wear and tear? How does it feel versus a Tuuk. My local pro shop doesnt seem to have a high opinion of these skates when I inquired. They seem to be swaying me towards Graf or Mission if I dont go Bauer again. Does anyone have a test for correct depth of boot? Also what about radius of the old ICM holder? Once again thanks for the help.

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Chadd thanks for the reply. The 703 is what my local pro shop is suggesting as well in the Graf line. Although they seem to be worried about longevity though. I will definitely try on as many as I can. What is your rule of thumb on skate depth? Thanks.

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Chadd thanks for the reply. The 703 is what my local pro shop is suggesting as well in the Graf line. Although they seem to be worried about longevity though. I will definitely try on as many as I can. What is your rule of thumb on skate depth? Thanks.

I have the opposite problem that you have so I have to make sure that my foot doesn't bulge the laces. Personally, I prefer to have the boot curl slightly over the top of the foot. I'm not a huge fan of Graf but I'm not sure what other skate will fit you as well. Make sure the steel is straight, the holder is mounted correctly, etc... as well as trying it on.

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First off thanks for the reply Timber. I was looking at the new Tacks line. It sure seems like it has all that I am looking for. How are they holding up and how is that e-blade holder as far as wear and tear? How does it feel versus a Tuuk. My local pro shop doesnt seem to have a high opinion of these skates when I inquired. They seem to be swaying me towards Graf or Mission if I dont go Bauer again. Does anyone have a test for correct depth of boot? Also what about radius of the old ICM holder? Once again thanks for the help.

First off, I would ask the LHS guys for specifics of why they have an unfavorable opinion of any skate (the answer should tell you if they have fact based issues with the design or manufacturing, or if its just personal preference or popularity unrelated to to performance or durability).

After skating in '03 tacks for almost 2 years and Vector Pro's for over a year, I have found the boot to be well designed and manufactured. I have to admit, I do not like the feel of either the Pro-Lite or the E-Holder with CCM's steel (though the durability of the holders and steel were just fine). I put Tuuk custom+ holders/steel on the Vectors and love the combination.

Up until a few years ago when I got back into hockey, I had been in the same Bauers with ICM holders from high school (yeah I'm that old) and I don't have any complaints with the Tuuks; I don't know about the stock radius on ICM's though.

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