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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Itech Titanium cage

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the cage actually from what weve been told and saw in boston does dent like a traditional cage but it rather bends and reflexes to absorb the impact. were going to stock it but itll probably go to one of the teams we work with. Everybody is going based on price but once you feel it you may second think it

Once you feel it? It's a metal cage that isn't supposed to ever touch your skin. Who the hell cares what it feels like. I don't understand your statement at all.

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i wear a titanium watch myself and would never go back to steel. the stuff is just so much lighter and it feels like i'm not wearing anything at all. Everytime i give it to someone to hold they always ask me if the watch is fake cause it's so light. i would buy the cage if only the bars were a lot smaller cause i'm sick of my full visors fogging up all the time but in those pics they look the same...

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he probabley means when you feel the weight of it.

yeah i meant once you feel the weight and i also found the wire to be abit smaller to not as chunky as the RBE VII

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i wear a titanium watch myself and would never go back to steel. the stuff is just so much lighter and it feels like i'm not wearing anything at all. Everytime i give it to someone to hold they always ask me if the watch is fake cause it's so light. i would buy the cage if only the bars were a lot smaller cause i'm sick of my full visors fogging up all the time but in those pics they look the same...

Agreed...I've worn a full titanium watch for 5 yrs...feels like NOTHING...

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Carbon is stiff but very brittle. Wouldn't make much sense to me.

They make mountain bike frames and rims out of carbon fiber, so the stuff can actually take some abuse. 70mph+ shot abuse I'm not sure, maybe with the right design. Still, I would imagine that in order to make a CF cage, the "wires" would need to be too thick and the weight savings would be overshadowed by the visibility loss.

But bike frames do not take huge impacts like cages do. The Stork and Giant NRS frames are cross country oriented which do not take high impacts. But yes, your logic would be correct in that they'd be too large and wouldn't be able to take the impact that any type of metal would.

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