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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor VII blades

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Anyone have first hand experience with these Bauer Vapor VII blades?

I notice they are marked down from $49.99 to $14.99 at Hockey Giant. That's a good price for a composite blade.


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I personally am very satisfied with the Bauer Vapor VII blade. Granted, I'm 5'8" 160lbs with a weak shot, but they work just fine for me. They might have a few grams over the Easton Z carbon, but they're really light to say the least. The hosel is shorter than your standard easton, and when you first get a look at it, it looks pretty shabby at the top of the blade as far as construction is concerned. It feels really solid, and for that price and level of personal satisfaction, I bought several. I'm using one on smooth outdoor court and it hasn't done me wrong yet.

However, I sold an extra one I bought to a friend of mine and he managed to break the blade off at the hosel on his first night using it when he leaned on his stick (blade down). As dumb as that was, it could happen to anyone else.

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I got one I like it,, but it's just a little different curve, i hardly use it. I just figured for 15 bucks i really can't go wrong. I've only played two drop in's with it and I've pretty much abandoned it.

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