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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats the best broken shaft you have found?

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The SRS add they have on their site says it's about 45 grams for a repair.

Oh, and woddies are much better balanced than any OPS I've ever used. Heavier, but there's only so heavy a wood blade can get, where as a shaft is much more so.

I suspose it could be, they would know. I don't have a gram scale but I put the carbon sleve and jars of epoxy on the scale I have and it was less than 1 oz, and that included the weight of the plastic jars. Still, isn't 45 grams about an oz. That's not too much, I doubt anyone could tell the difference.

Well, I'm sure standing around a shop they'd notice, but while flying down on a breakaway the last thing they should be thinking about is "wow, the shaft feel balanced more to the bottom now that it's fixed...". Heh, I'd be one to do that though, haha.

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ok, i didnt find this but i need to know where to cut a broken SL so i can put a tapered blade in it. i can see the first line where they fused it but do i cut it there and then hollow it out? thanks in advance

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The SRS add they have on their site says it's about 45 grams for a repair.

Oh, and woddies are much better balanced than any OPS I've ever used. Heavier, but there's only so heavy a wood blade can get, where as a shaft is much more so.

I suspose it could be, they would know. I don't have a gram scale but I put the carbon sleve and jars of epoxy on the scale I have and it was less than 1 oz, and that included the weight of the plastic jars. Still, isn't 45 grams about an oz. That's not too much, I doubt anyone could tell the difference.

An oz is 28ish grams on my scale.

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innovative 1100 tapered

a guy tripped me at pickup, i land on the stick and break the blade. then he throws it away. i take it home, remove the blade, and now have an 1100 shaft :]

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