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Hockey Socks

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I'm in the market for some new socks to wear in my skates. I've been using the CCM Oxy Socks and absolutely love them, but no stores around me carry them. They do have Underarmor, and the Easton Synergy socks, and I was wondering if anyones had any experiences with either of the two.

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I use Easton Synergy socks... absolulty love them. Nice and thin, absorb moisture but you dont feel it.. I think they're great personally

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If you do get the Underarmour ones try not to get the colored ones as they get dye on things (like mentioned) but besides that they're great except mine eventually got holes in the toes. Have you considered buying the OxySocks online?

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honestly, since that under armour incident., i have gone to walmart and jsut gotten like a 6 pack of socks for like 3.77, so if they get f'd up its ok!

can you actually tell a difference in a 1 dollar and 10 dollar sock?

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Yep you can, depending on if a 10 dollar sock is a skate sock. Of course theres a difference.

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Yep you can, depending on if a 10 dollar sock is a skate sock. Of course theres a difference.

dont they liek soak up sweat and stuff?

i havent ever really felt the sweat on my regular socks. what exaclty do skate socks do?

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dont they liek soak up sweat and stuff?

i havent ever really felt the sweat on my regular socks. what exaclty do skate socks do?

By pulling away the moisture, they pull away the heat, making your feet less overheated. That, combined with slight compression on your calves, leaves your feet less tired at the end of skating.

I'm in the market for some new socks to wear in my skates.

Because of the price point, I think you sour CoolFeel socks are one of the better values among the performance socks.

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i have nike dri-fit socks and all they do is they keep your feet dry because the sweat is absorbed by the sock. Unfortunately for me these socks give me blisters instead of preventing them. I went back to regular socks and they're much better although I wouldn't mind giving OxySock a shot

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It's not on your list, but the Wigwam footliners have worked very well for me.

They feel about as thin as almost barefoot, yet still providing wicking and blister protection.

Short version:

Wigwam F2152 Dry Foot Liner (one size fits all)

(I haven't purchased them from HG, but here' the link:)


Longer versions (2/3 calf):

Wigwam F2154 Gobi Plus Liner (comes in M/L/XL)


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Also, I think one of the most important things when switching socks is that your skates fit right with THOSE socks. If you got fitted for your skates wearing thick athletic socks, I would think going to thin socks or barefoot are going to throw off your fit -- make your skates too loose.

For those who have gone to UA thin socks or others, did you get fitted with thick socks on?

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Personally, I need thin socks. I could not wear anything from walmart unless they were really thin. Once I switched to thin hockey socks, I felt like I had way more control. Got my latest skates heat fitted to when I wear the socks. On occasion, I've left them at home and went bear foot. Was harder to get my feet in as the socks normally help you slip in. I felt no different on the ice. Unfortunatly, bear foot leaves the moisture in the boot and makes it harder to slip my feet in. At least when wearing hockey socks, much of the moisture stays in the sock and not my feet or the boot. Had to go bear foot Saturday morning. Boots still stink!

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I'm in the market for some new socks to wear in my skates. I've been using the CCM Oxy Socks and absolutely love them, but no stores around me carry them. They do have Underarmor, and the Easton Synergy socks, and I was wondering if anyones had any experiences with either of the two.

This might sound strange, but I recommend the white Under Armour socks that are made for football. They are looser than the hockey socks and a lot more comfortable, durable and affordable. My fiance bought me a pair by accident and it has turned out to be the best mistake she's made.

I have also found that the UA hockey socks can melt in the dryer if they get too hot. Be careful...it can get messy.

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Personally, I need thin socks. I could not wear anything from walmart unless they were really thin. Once I switched to thin hockey socks, I felt like I had way more control. Got my latest skates heat fitted to when I wear the socks. On occasion, I've left them at home and went bear foot. Was harder to get my feet in as the socks normally help you slip in. I felt no different on the ice. Unfortunatly, bear foot leaves the moisture in the boot and makes it harder to slip my feet in. At least when wearing hockey socks, much of the moisture stays in the sock and not my feet or the boot. Had to go bear foot Saturday morning. Boots still stink!

they are extremely thin and i love em

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