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CCM to Bauer size conversion

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Ordering goalie skates but will not get the chance to try them on. My exact size in CCM is 9.5EE.

Could anyone who's worn both brands and in this size give me an exact conversion?

Thanks very much

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Ordering goalie skates but will not get the chance to try them on. My exact size in CCM is 9.5EE.

Could anyone who's worn both brands and in this size give me an exact conversion?

Thanks very much

I am a 8.5 bauer a can fit into a 8 CCM just fine. so maybe go a 1/2 size up?

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If you're EE in CCM you might as well forget Bauer.

good call chadd, i missed that. A ccm E is as wide as a 2E Bauer. so a 2E ccm has to be built a a car Chasis :P

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Right managed to get that wrong. I meant a 9.5E in CCM.

Chadd, in this case would a EE bauer fit? I knew they were narrow, are they that narrow?


just read the post above. Nevermind then Chadd. Thanks lads.

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Right managed to get that wrong. I meant a 9.5E in CCM.

Chadd, in this case would a EE bauer fit? I knew they were narrow, are they that narrow?


just read the post above. Nevermind then Chadd. Thanks lads.

I vapor 2E and a Vector E fit me the same the only difference is a ccm Im a 8 and bauer 8.5 I know Bauers are narrow in general now the 8090 is another story.

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i used to wear bauer 4000 7.5 EE, and my new ccm 952 7.5 E are wider

I found the bauer 7.5 EE a bit narrower, but the ccm's are perfect

but i have heard the vapors are wider than the supremes.. not sure if that is accurate...

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