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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom contouring

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I am thinking about getting my skates custom contoured. I am a beginner/novice skater and I have no idea what rocker radius my skates are now. I have read that 9ft or 11ft is standard.

Any recommendations on which rocker radius and/or pitch I should use? I am 6'4", 220lbs, play whatever position I can. I currently have CCM 1152's, sz 11.5.

Has anybody had there skates contoured and if so, did it help?

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It's not a question of skating fine on the stock radius, rather can you skate better with a custom one. In most cases the answer is yes, because a custom radius will match the left and right radius's up, even if you choose the same stock footage. Plus a little forward lean helps most as well.

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It's not a question of skating fine on the stock radius, rather can you skate better with a custom one. In most cases the answer is yes, because a custom radius will match the left and right radius's up, even if you choose the same stock footage. Plus a little forward lean helps most as well.

Screwing around though is how people get in trouble...I agree if you skate fine leave it alone. I had 3 teammates get tricked into having there skates profiled for them and for all 3 ended up being a disaster. Because you could already be on the best radius for you. :o

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It's not a question of skating fine on the stock radius, rather can you skate better with a custom one.  In most cases the answer is yes, because a custom radius will match the left and right radius's up, even if you choose the same stock footage.  Plus a little forward lean helps most as well.

Screwing around though is how people get in trouble...I agree if you skate fine leave it alone. I had 3 teammates get tricked into having there skates profiled for them and for all 3 ended up being a disaster. Because you could already be on the best radius for you. :o

How do you know if you don't expirement?

I also believe the so-called disaster your friends say they have is a result of not giving their body enough time to adapt to the change. I tell my customers NOT to make up their mind on anything till after a minimum of 6 skates on it. You won't believe how many say they HATED it after the first skate, but later said they have never been skating better in their life.

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