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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Inline Skates

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What exactly are you looking for in a skate? Obviously, these are more of a budget skate that do not come with great wheels, or a very durable boot.

A guy on my team has a pair, and is satisfied so far with them.

I assume you have a wide, flat foot? If you do, the CCM's and Tour skates are a great choice.

Let me also remind you that Mission's 3500 skate is the same price ($149) and offers better wheels, bearings, and a better boot. Also, if you have a wider foot, they have wider boots in the higher model. Many of us MSH inline folks have the 2006 Mission skates, and could not be happier. If you could spring for an extra 50 bucks, the 5500 level skate is FANTASTIC for the price, and seems to tbe the stadard for league play even at lower levels at my rink.

Here's the 3500

Mission 3500

And the 5500

Mission 5500

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