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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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instructional videos for inline

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I was pointed in the direction of the Robby Glantz videos as a result of another thread. Those DVD's look like pretty much what I need for myself and my boys. Are the Glantz tapes better or at least as good as any thing else on the market? If not, who is better? I am pretty much teaching myself and trying to keep my kids a little ahead of the curve on their beginning teams. We are strictly Roller, as the nearest ice is two hours a way.


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I have followed previous threads on this forum regarding instructional videos. THey all seem to stop when this same question comes up regarding inline videos.

So can I assume 1) There are no instrucional videos out there for inline hockey?; 2) this is a really stupid question and I should not ask it?; or 3) the ice hockey videos will cover everything that roller hockey needs and I should just buy Robby Glantz's two speed skating videos?????

Thanks again

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