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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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You do know that there's and edit function in the top right of your posts, right? Try using them some time.

Apparently you do looking at your last post... Using helps more than simply knowing.

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Hell, why make intermediates?  I'm an adult, so I think only adults can notice a difference between a woody and a composite, so companies should only make senior OPS.

Some Adults are shorter. Or like smaller shaft dimensions.

I guess the tongue-in-cheek tone of the second part of my post escaped you. I'm surprised you didn't inform me that some people like to use blade patterns other than Drury.

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im not sure if you realize this, but many kids around 13, even 12 now are the same size as fully grown adults, and will be using senior one piece sticks regardless. i think that if kids decide they want to use a one piece stick without having developed a shot, it's their option. there is no way manufacturers will discontinue junior and intermediate ops.

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Man, do I really need to spell it out? Yes, echi24 and Project_2501, I agree with both of you. I was being sarcastic in my post. I personally think manufacturers should make as wide a choice of products as possible and I also think that every player should be able to use whatever piece of equipment they want and can afford. My post was supposed to be a dig at those who seem to think that only the products they use (i.e. intermediate and above OPS) should be made. I'll try and refrain from sarcasm next time. It creates too much confusion.........

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Man, do I really need to spell it out? Yes, echi24 and Project_2501, I agree with both of you. I was being sarcastic in my post. I personally think manufacturers should make as wide a choice of products as possible and I also think that every player should be able to use whatever piece of equipment they want and can afford. My post was supposed to be a dig at those who seem to think that only the products they use (i.e. intermediate and above OPS) should be made. I'll try and refrain from sarcasm next time. It creates too much confusion.........

No, no. I got it quite well, I was just continuing my point. And I think it still stands, that a Kid that is 9 years old can't possibly take advantage of a high-tech OPS.

(And I cought the Drury thing, and thought it was funny. I'd love to see some people shoot [myself included] if they had to use a Drury pattern.)

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