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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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lhs in nashville tn

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There is a Pro Shop in the rink, and there is also one "nearby" called The Hockey Stop. Been a year or more since I was in either, but if I remember correctly, The Hockey Stop seemed a bit better.

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The Hockey Stop would be your best bet. It's sadly the better one going down here and real mom and pop-y.

are u a resident of nashville?

how far is the hockey stop form the rink?

also, can anyone give a hotel reccomendation?

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Well there's one at the rink, but the other shop is like 5 mins away. As for hotels, are you wanting to be right there or do you mind driving? It'll be cheaper if you stay in one of the suburbs.

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1---is the rinks pro-shop good?

im looking for higherend pants and nice shoulders.

2----we are looking to be close to the rink.

3--is hockey stop the one you see as you drive on the interstate?

sorry, one more question. will i beable to directions from the rink to the hockey stop fromsomeone at the rink?

sorry for so many questions

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