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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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butt end tape

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Yeah, it was incredibly heavy, but helped him with much faster poke checks with his lighter stick, and with a short stick, heh.

And he had another stick for games, only used this one occasionally during practice.

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Does it damage your palms?

No - you tape over it with hockey tape the same as you usually would if you were making a twisted-tape grip.

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Go to the hardware store and get a roll of foam tape weatherstripping. It has adhesive on one side so it is very easy to apply to your stick. The stuff I have is about 1/2 inch wide, and I just slice it down the middle into  1/4 strips before I use it. Tape over it and your stick will look like it always has after you've taped it, but it has a nicer feel to it. It's usually about $2 for a 20 foot roll, so it is much less expensive than a specialty hockey grip item.

Thanks! Great idea.

Yeah but Reaper, lets put this in perspective. I figure your time is worth at a minimum 14 bucks an hour. (I'm sure it's a lot more than that but for the sake of throwing some numbers around)

You buy the Home Depot stuff for 2 bucks (which by the way will squish down to nothing in no time)

You take at least 30 minutes to slit the Home Depot stuff down the middle as stated, so your valuable time spent is 7 bucks for a half hour worth of work to strip the HD foam down the middle.

So in reality, you're spending 9 bucks (2 bucks to purchase+7 bucks labor) to make up the Home Depot foam grip, when Sticky Grip Foam only cost $8.95. A savings of 5 cents!


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