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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a crazy idea

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i heard about a prank where someone filled anothers stick with water.

i was wondering if this would be an ok way to do like weighted stick to build up wrust muscles.

i was also considering putting sand inside the ops shaft part, what is your opinion, would this work?

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definitely crazy, but should work

it would be fun to see someone take a 2 hander, and see the water fall out

i waould just use it for like warming up and stuff like practicing in my garage. i want to do it with my nike apollo or gear ops.

what about sand?

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I commented on this in the ice hockey section too.

In theory, it would be a great training aid - sort of like baseball players swinging a weighted bat to warm up with. Howeever, make sure you use a stick that you don't mind if it breaks, because if you take hard shots or flex the stick too much, the added weight and pressure of the water inside could cause the stick to shatter in a strange place.

you wouldn't want to destroy a $200 stick just for weight training.

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Well, technically, water will compress (that's why it's so dangerous to have water in your brake lines instead of brake fluid - you step on the brake, and nothing happens). But besides that, the interior dimensions of a shaft don't actuall compress either. Compression, as talked about in hockey, is a result of the flexing of the shaft and hte release, but the internal volume of the shaft shouldn't change, only the pressure on the inside surfaces.

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weighted pucks are good but dont take slapshots or snap shots with them if you care about the stick ive broken 4 blades doing that so now with a weighted puck i just take wrist and backhand shots.

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Its great for backhanders and stickhandling. I wouldn't do wrist shots with them if you're not as strong, it might mess up the tendons and ligaments if you don't shoot with your legs enough.

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I've been using one of my girlfriends 2lb ankle weights . I chuck a almost done roll of tape and then the ankle weight on top. practice shooting and stick handling.

I do 50 shots with the weight and then 150 without . My wrist shoot is harder then my slapper now.. though my slapper is weak.

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A few guys did this to a kid at a camp i went to this summer, the water just poured out, and it wouldnt hve completely dried so im sure it will ruin the stick and if theres a wood blade in!

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