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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ron Francis night here in Carolina

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A guy that goes to my gym is family friends with Ronnie Franchise (his sister lives on the same block as the Francis' in NC, or did anyway). He said Ron is really great guy. He told me Ron was gonna retire this past summer, and like a week later Francis went public with his retirement. He also had Francis sign a picture for me. Great guy.

And Theo, WTF!? I'm very disappointed with you. A few weeks ago you were "lukewarm" about the Sykora-for-Kondratiev deal. I felt like I had to sell the whole thing to you in those first few hours...now you have him as an Avatar?

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I don't get why they make guys put on full gear and skate around for these things...(although the kids were cute).

Let the guy wear a suit with his jersey on over it. Hell, that's the way you start your career at thw draft. End that way. The equipment and everything is just silly.

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I don't get why they make guys put on full gear and skate around for these things...(although the kids were cute).

Let the guy wear a suit with his jersey on over it. Hell, that's the way you start your career at thw draft. End that way. The equipment and everything is just silly.

Good point.

I'm guessing it's for dramatic effect.

In your line of thinking, players start in a suit at the draft, end in one. In their line of thinking, player makes his career in his gear, so end in it.

Moose was in a suit.

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I think he was wearing full gear since he never had a final skate around the rink. The last season he played he went to Toronto for the playoffs.

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