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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Website?

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After I had all this work done to my Vapor 30's I have been getting alot of feedback by several people that Graf Dealers Make sure every skate they sell is right for your foot and the blade is aligned. I wen't on there web site and They have a PDF form about blade alignment and foot type. I was just wondering if anybody from this site has gone to a "official" Graf dealer were they made sure that the Graf skate you bought was perfect for your foot and Blade aligned to your body Type? Alot of the people I spoke with claimed that Graf is there for skaters with my type of problem and the best skate for the solution.

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i know that i try my best to make the skate fit your foot aswell as fit the way you stand in the skates so if you fall in or fall out i try and make it so you stand upright in them

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So does graf dealers really move the holders or just try to sell you some BS insoles? I read that post were graf screwed that kid over a pair of skates and it pisses me off,,,but who knows. I have had heard alot of bad talk about graf dealers trying to sell you the most exspensive skate.

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tony, i got "fitted" up in some graf skates, old style 703s....jr has seen how awful the tuuk+ is mounted not to mention i should be wearing a 10R in a 705 (wider, deeper boot) and im in a 11R 703 (more narrow, shallow boot)

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tony, i got "fitted" up in some graf skates, old style 703s....jr has seen how awful the tuuk+ is mounted not to mention i should be wearing a 10R in a 705 (wider, deeper boot) and im in a 11R 703 (more narrow, shallow boot)

Yey, I think I wil stay wih bauer and go through the hole Blade alignment, Profile and stretch process...Called some graf dealers today and they were idiots. And Like that other post says: "at least NBH stands behind there products" With my size 9 Vapor 30's they replaced them because of the bent holders.....And gave me new 8.5 My Actual Size.

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tony, i got "fitted" up in some graf skates, old style 703s....jr has seen how awful the tuuk+ is mounted not to mention i should be wearing a 10R in a 705 (wider, deeper boot) and im in a 11R 703 (more narrow, shallow boot)

Yey, I think I wil stay wih bauer and go through the hole Blade alignment, Profile and stretch process...Called some graf dealers today and they were idiots. And Like that other post says: "at least NBH stands behind there products" With my size 9 Vapor 30's they replaced them because of the bent holders.....And gave me new 8.5 My Actual Size.

yeah but lets see them stand by there product after it breaks down in 6months. Graf atleast makes a quality product ive seen grafs come in my shop that are from switzerland and are still in good shape.

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tony, i got "fitted" up in some graf skates, old style 703s....jr has seen how awful the tuuk+ is mounted not to mention i should be wearing a 10R in a 705 (wider, deeper boot) and im in a 11R 703 (more narrow, shallow boot)

Yey, I think I wil stay wih bauer and go through the hole Blade alignment, Profile and stretch process...Called some graf dealers today and they were idiots. And Like that other post says: "at least NBH stands behind there products" With my size 9 Vapor 30's they replaced them because of the bent holders.....And gave me new 8.5 My Actual Size.

yeah but lets see them stand by there product after it breaks down in 6months. Graf atleast makes a quality product ive seen grafs come in my shop that are from switzerland and are still in good shape.

But first, why did'nt you reply to the orginal question and second Any pair of skates I will own I will have to have a Blade alignment that voids any skate warranty anyways. I would have to custom order a pair of skates and tell the factory to move the blades over.....and I don't even know if they would do it. I am not bashing Graf....Just can't find a good dealer to talk to.

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tony, i got "fitted" up in some graf skates, old style 703s....jr has seen how awful the tuuk+ is mounted not to mention i should be wearing a 10R in a 705 (wider, deeper boot) and im in a 11R 703 (more narrow, shallow boot)

Yey, I think I wil stay wih bauer and go through the hole Blade alignment, Profile and stretch process...Called some graf dealers today and they were idiots. And Like that other post says: "at least NBH stands behind there products" With my size 9 Vapor 30's they replaced them because of the bent holders.....And gave me new 8.5 My Actual Size.

yeah but lets see them stand by there product after it breaks down in 6months. Graf atleast makes a quality product ive seen grafs come in my shop that are from switzerland and are still in good shape.

Yeah, because they were made right in Switzerland. Graf Canada...eh...

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