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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help finding helmet clips

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Several weeks ago I bought a used Oakley cage/shield combo (looks like it is a VC920 ) from the sell section. The seller didn't mention that he lost the clips that attach the top of the shield to the front of the helmet.

The clips from my current cage are way too small to work with this. I went to my LHS, and he didn't have any. He said he would try and get some for me. I checked back a couple days later and he hadn't even called. I'm starting to get impatient, as far I can tell from talking to him again, he still hasn't called.

I'm kind of up a creek here. I've got a nice shield I can't use, and apparently I'm not allowed to contact Oakley/CCM for support since I'm not a dealer.

Can anyone here help me find a pair of clips to use? It looks like I could even use the clips from an Itech concept II or similar visor. I'm not looking for a handout from anyone, I just need to know where I can buy some.

If any of you dealers out there have some, let me know if you will sell me a pair. Or if anyone has some extras from an old shield, give me a shout.

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I have some that I'm pretty sure will work for you. PM your address and I'll send them out. No charge, since I don't use a cage or full combo and they're mostly useless to me.

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