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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pitch Holder Size on a RBK boot

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The CCM/RBK rep stopped in with some of the new stuff. My eye has always loved the look of the RBK 9k skate, but I have never been able to skate in a CCM skate due to my arches. I tried the skates on, and though they were smaller then what I usually would wear in a CCM they did feel decent (but custom is the way to go for my foot type, see my past thread) and the pump sold me on them. I decided to get them custom fit for me if I already have a pair of the Pitch holder in a size 280, would that fit properly on a size of 8.5 EE??? in RBK?

I believe that I am a size 8.5 EE or 8 1/4, a 8 would be VERY tight I feel because the 7.5 D's felt like my foot was falling asleep.

but bottom line, would the 280 pitch runner fit on the 8 1/4 - 8.5 EE RBK skate?

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