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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oggie Grip

Salming Stick on Heart Medication Commercial

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Ok. Going to need some help with this one. I was watching tv late last night and noticed a commercial about some kind of new heart medicine. It featured a coach of a high school or college aged hockey team who was at risk of a heart attack. The coach was getting all fired up at the players. One of the kids on the bench had an Easton Synergy (and of course I was looking to see if he had an Oggie Grip on it!) Another player comes on the bench, and what stick do I see.......a SALMING stick!!!

I told Jason at Salming about the commercial, but he did not know about it. I was hoping someone saw the commercial and could tell Jason the name of the drug company so he can check their website to see if they have the commercial on it.



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Joe's out of Woostaah! (That's Wor-Ches-ter for the rest of you... :P )

It could be one of your sticks, Jimmy. I hadn't heard anything about it but, after all the badmouthing that goes on about Hollywood, I'm just glad they're showing good taste.... :D

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I was on the Precor at the gym today when I happened to glance up to see hockey on one of the TV's, then a closeup focusing on the word 'Coach', before they took us traveling through an artery to the heart.

Oooh, this has to be the commercial, I thought, so I scurried off the machine to get closer to the TV. (I'm 99% sure it was for Plaxin, but when I just did a search for Plaxin, it was referred to as a tranquilizer, not heart medication, although the commercial certainly seemed to be about the heart.)

At the end, they scanned the bench and one of the kids showed a wonderful sense of style by having a Salming stick. In the split second, it appeared to be an older model, but that just shows how durable they are, eh? ;)

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