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Bauer Supreme Gloves

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i'm looking at SDP and 5000 Pros at HockeyGiant and wanna know how they fit and feel. I wear size 13" vapor and pretty much 13" in any other glove. Would 14" in Supremes be any different? and how do they feel in terms of mobility and flexibility? Are they like Eagles in terms of closing/opening fingers or what? In my area I don't see any Supremes so I can't really find out.

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i can't say for sdp or 5000, but the supremes 2000's i've tried on at sport check are pretty loose fitting and big, those are usually 14", they do come with spilt fingers though so i guess it wouldn't be much like eagles

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I have tried them all on at my store. They fit totally different than Eagles, the SDP and 5000's are similar however I find the 5000's lighter and better fitting than the SDP. They fit big, I personally wear 13" as well and the 14" in both of them were big on me. Hope that helps

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I have 13" 5000's (retail) and they fit bigger and are looser compared to my other gloves (TPS Pro Bionics and HGT's, both 13"). I was swimming in the 14". As for stiffness, they are very stiff at first. It took A LOT of working with the gloves to make them flexible. After the long break-in period they feel fine; although they aren't as flexible as my other gloves. I haven't had a problem with mobility. The gloves are heavy compared to my other gloves, but weight isn't an issue for me. If weight's an issue, you might want to go for nylon. I personally like the gloves and, after a lot of breaking in, I think they're worth it. I would stick w/ 13" though.

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I've got a pair of supreme 5000 pro's. They're really nice I got the nylons and they took zero time to break in. I don't know how they compare to eagles since I have never owned eagles but compared to my MSH Missions the thumb was a little tighter, but other than that the fingers and wrist mobility are the same. I have the 14" and again they are similar to my mission 14", so I don't know if that helps you or not.

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13.5 would be my ideal size but I'm wearing BDP's 14" right now and they fit loose in the wrist and tight around the palm which is just right for me. You can pick some up at Perani's pretty cheap, but they don't have split fingers.

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i went from eagle x-51 to 5000 pro return. plastic every where. the lock thumb is taking some time getting adjusted to. i might cut the thumb on one glove to get some flexiablity back. mine are leather and nylon. they are heavier than my eagles. but like someone else weight doesn't matter to me. the fit is snuger than my eagles through the thumb and pinky, but i like them. i was suprised to see and smell REAL leather on them. they are bulky and very protective. built like a tank.

i too was thinking about getting some from hockeygiant, but through the wanted section i found out that G.M. had some for $60 including shipping. black and white leather/nylon

about sizing i stayed the same 14"s for both.

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