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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking fo tps tri core

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call around national sports and see if they have any. I know I went there a while ago and some tri-cores were in some discount bin. If you can't find them there, try out chesswood arena's pro-shop. I saw a tri-core there, but I can't remember what flex it was.

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170 is x-stiff right? I have one in I believe 120 Flex...it's the XF number...stiffer than Regular (med) but softer than Stiff...which i believe is 145 or so...

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PM Me, i live in the UK, buth they're quite light so shipping shouldnt be much. I have one lying around i dont use. Im not sur eif its been cut as i was givin it, used it one (too stiff) but was used before(doesnt seem to have any damage other than cosmetics). With a standard plug its just over 50 inches long (shaft only). Hope this helps.

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The shiping on sticks is usually expensive due to the oversize raher than weight, pain in the ass though cause it puts the price right up!

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