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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wireless Network Help

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In my dorm room we have standard ethernet T3 (I think). My roommate bought an Apple Wireless adapter. It works well on his computer (a Powerbook), but I am having problems with it on my Sony. I can sometimes get the network to be located, but it will never connect. It says "connecting" and then it has the little pop up that even goes as far as to say connected, but the main screen still says Disconnected. On the very rare chance that I do get connected, it won't last for more than a few minutes without disconnecting me. As of right now, I'm actually connected to it (I can play music through the wireless speakers on the network through iTunes), but when I scroll over the wirelss icon on the bottom right corner it says not connected. Anybody know how to help me out? Sorry if its not clear, this really isn't my thing.

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It may be that your dhcp servers arent lined up, well, hmmm, if you can view files on the network, sounds more like a gateway problem. Log into the router, then find out the default gateway and your subnet mask, and then plug those into your settings. Maybe your friend can do it if he is computer savy.

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These are just general tips... if it is working already, these things might not help you. You might want to check the signal connection first.

Is his wireless access point 802.11b or 802.11g?

If it is saying that it is connecting, it probably is one of the above. 802.11g is backwards compatible with 802.11b.

See if his access point needs you to do one of the following things:

1) Register your MAC address with it - some will filter out based on MAC address and you specifically have to add it in.

2) Enter the WEP password if he has one.

3) Make sure you are on the right channel.

You might also want to see if there is a firewall blocking yours. If your computer works with other access points (is it a laptop? if so try it out at a coffee shop or something), then it his access point and not your computer. If your computer doesn't work with other access points, then it is your settings on your computer.

Good luck!

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