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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing Gunk from Glove palms

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The Digital Palms on my Pro Tacks gloves have a load of black gunk on them, what would be the best way to go about removing this? I like these gloves and want the palms to not be so crappy. They're fine for softness, but if I hold my nice white XXX-Lite it turns black. :lol: That, and I want to be able to use white tape again, and not need to worry about the resin/glue/whatever coming through the tape onto my gloves as usual, thus creating a white residue on my palms.

So to summarize: What's the best way to go about removing tape residue from digital glove palms?

Thanks in advance.

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Alright, thanks a lot. There has been a lot of topics about this hasn't there, or was that Funk-free?

At any rate, time for a google search on where to buy it...

Thanks again.

Edit: Is this an item to be found at Home Depot or sorts?

Another Edit: Found it at Lowes. $5 for a 16 oz bottle, not bad at all.

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