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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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light speed holders

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I am skating in vapor xx's with light speed holders,they have been problem free until this week when the steel kept coming loose on one skate. I have tightened them a few times and have had them looked at by my lhs,But it seems the holes for the screws have stretched and the bolt isn't sitting in straight. Is there a solution or is the holder junk? Thanks

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Maybe try some loctite on the bolt to get it to stay, if not i think you're holder may be junk.

Not to highjack slinky's thread, but I have a quick question involving Lightspeed holders. Will LS2's line up with the holes of the E-blades on my Externo's or should I just put custom +'s on?

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I am skating in vapor xx's with light speed holders,they have been problem free until this week when the steel kept coming loose on one skate. I have tightened them a few times and have had them looked at by my lhs,But it seems the holes for the screws have stretched and the bolt isn't sitting in straight. Is there a solution or is the holder junk? Thanks

Replace the holder, it happens all the time.

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Maybe a chance--if the screw is not perpendicular to the blade when you tighten it, you can torque down the blade fine at first, but then the blade shifts forward and backward while skating and the nut is loose again. Make sure the screw is straight up when you tighten it, and not bent over a little.

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