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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nbh one90's

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I believe JR said that they'll fit similar to the 8090. If you're a D width in Vapors you might be out of luck. Unless you're going to spring for custom ($$$).

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I believe JR said that they'll fit similar to the 8090. If you're a D width in Vapors you might be out of luck. Unless you're going to spring for custom ($$$).

theyll fit similar but there offering 3 widths(C,D,EE)

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i didnt want to start a new post, so:

i wear 5.5 ee in nike v12's, what size one 90's would i wear?

try them on or make a random guess.

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this isnt really about sizing or anything, but i figured id offer a bit of info i got on the skates.

I went to see Carolina Hurricanes equipment manager Wally Tatomir so that he could sharpen and balance my skates, and I asked him how Erik Cole was liking the One90s that he has been wearing since december. Wally often consults skate companies, so his opinion is pretty solid, but at any rate, his body language said that it wasnt quite what they were expecting, and he said "They're a good skate, its still a bit buggy though." Then i asked him about wear issues since they were so thin and he said that they held up fine wear wise. He didnt really elaborate too much, but overall i got the impression that he felt they were an over rated skate.

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