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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 4000 pants

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OK. I need new pants, as a result of a skate tear on the inside leg and a tailbone padbreaking fall.

I had old, ooollldd, bauer 1000 pants, and they were fine, but now that the tailbone pad is in 2 pieces, not good, when you are on your ass as much as I am.

I don't have a lot of cash for the high end pants, and don't feel like I can justify spending more than $100 on pants, for my level of play.

The bauer 4000 fits my buget, and I had no problems with the 1000's until the tailbone incident.

Anyone use the 4000's, any good or bad about them, or would you recommend something else within the $100 (us) price range.

I think someone said before Tacklas were good, but I was at the LHS this weekend, and they didn't have them. I tried a pair of CCM 452s also, but wasn't keen, they seemed tight on my legs.


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My son uses them now and then. He finds them very light and comfy. They also have zippered legs, wich is a nice feature. Not as much protection as in his Jofa girdle though...

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