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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 1K blade

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I picked up a Reebok 1K blade last night (yes, I swore I'd never buy a Reebok product, but the urge got to me). Anybody use one of these, and what are your opinions? Also, is the IW curve really illegal? I read that IW turns out to mean "Illegal Wedge." :blink:

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They are exactly the same as the old Jofa 5500 and 1000 blades - I'm pretty sure they've been discussed in the past. As for the curve - I doubt it's legal, but it's pretty close to a CCM Thornton curve, just with a touch of loft. Massive curve, but as I say, only a touch of loft, so no wedge!

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I just got one a week ago.MS Curve and the first shot I took, the hosel split in half.I also found it was really heavy and had horrible feel.

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