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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Degrees of Gretzky

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me --> will meet Theo Fleury on Sunday --> Theo has played against/with/for Gretzky

I guess it hasnt happened yet but i'm pretty excited to be meeting Theo  :D

Theo Fleury's a great guy. Even with his past misdemeanours and off ice problems, he's so down to Earth. I'll never forget that time he punched my shoulder and said "Best of Luck in your hockey career kid"

...and signing a TON of autographs (Theeo, I have mooorree!)

Defiently he was a really cool guy. Signed loads of autographs and posed for photos.

There's a kid in our club who absolutely idolises Theo and he sat down with him and was talking to him and giving him advice and stuff. I thought it was a nice touch and showed that he is a real genuine good guy.

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me---> my cousin is very good friends with Eric Boulton--> Eric Boulton plays for Atlanta--> Atl played the Yotes--> Gretzky is the coach of the yotes.

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