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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BELL center-team sale?

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everybody are talking about a team sale from team who lost in playoff....Did anyone know is they will have a team sale from the Montreal Canadiens ???

Thanks guys

Alex... :lol:

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Yes they will and they will annonce it on their web site www.canadiens.com.I contacted them by e mail.

thanks guys :D

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Chris i am going there with 750$ and i will try and nab some.Maybe get a Kovalev shaft :).But i will try to get one of his synergy but i doubt they will have them.He used CCM 120 at the end of season and all the playoff.

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Chris i am going there with 750$ and i will try and nab some.Maybe get a Kovalev shaft :).But i will try to get one of his synergy but i doubt they will have them.He used CCM 120 at the end of season and all the playoff.

And the 110 for a while before that.

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hey habfans or everybody else....have a date of when the sales will be up??

Did someone have all ready go to a canadiens sale....is it good ...what they have??

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Did someone know when it will happen finally?

lollll no there email suppot damn suck!!! i asked the questio about 3 month ago and still have no answer!!!!

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does n e one kno if the sens will do the same thing or if they have???

sorry boddy but senateur allready do one...i saw the annoncement on there website... :)

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Can anyone decipher the last three posts? I'm stuck.

I'm with you there. LOL

I'm guessing they are native French speakers that have learned English, but not some of the finer points. It's cool, since I almost always write teh instead of the...

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Can anyone decipher the last three posts? I'm stuck.

I'm with you there. LOL

I'm guessing they are native French speakers that have learned English, but not some of the finer points. It's cool, since I almost always write teh instead of the...

Great guess, I'm going with that.

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Can anyone decipher the last three posts? I'm stuck.

I'm with you there. LOL

I'm guessing they are native French speakers that have learned English, but not some of the finer points. It's cool, since I almost always write teh instead of the...

Great guess, I'm going with that.

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