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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So...I bought an Easton 'One' today..

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LHS won't have the Synergy 300 and 350 for quite some time..and this is basically the same thing..

I wanted to try out the OPS without spending $160, y' know? After I cut it down and used it tonight, I just don't see how people complain and bitch about this stick. I got it in the Sakic curve, and it worked out just fine for me. As a matter of fact, I like it far more than I like my Ultra-lite/RB Pro woody combo. Feels alot livlier, and the kick point is far different feeling. It's not THAT heavy either, imho. After cutting 5 inches off the butt end, it feels relatively light to me. Not once tonight did I think, "man, this thing is a tank! It really affects my play!" ...

I guess if this thing ever breaks, I may upgrade to a Synergy ST or something, but this thing fits my needs really well. Blade is stiff (to me anyways) plus I play inline, and NEVER take slap shots. The stick/blade doesn't feel soft or gummy like lots of people have said. I guess if you were 220 lbs and 6'1", the 95 flex might be soft, but I'm 145 lbs, 5'7", and I cut it..so it's probably even stiffer now.

All in all, a good cheap stick. Just needed to defend it! :D

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I dunno, my friends cut intermediate is quite a bit heavier than my uncut (w/ wood plug) XN10 and XXX-Lite. Pretty heavy imo.

But then again, wood sticks don't bother me, so one can never know.

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I dunno, my friends cut intermediate is quite a bit heavier than my uncut (w/ wood plug) XN10 and XXX-Lite. Pretty heavy imo.

But then again, wood sticks don't bother me, so one can never know.

Well youre comparing it to 2 Top of the line light as a Feather sticks of course it is going to be heavy.

Hey Im using 475 Gram RBK sticks and they work really good for me.

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True. But I can see a senior being more, but an Int. stick being cut down and heavier than my two OPSs strikes me as odd. It feels about the same as my tapered Response shaft with 6k blade, maybe heavier than that even.

Honestly, if I could find 6k Modo RBK's cheap, I'd be all over them...

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