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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SuperFeet Synergizer Footbeds Hockey (insoles)

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I did a search but i guess i didn't do it right, hmm. It has likely been threads about this before. Anyway, i couldn't find any...

I would like to have some opinions from users.

How do you find those insoles?

Are they worth $25?

They are supposed to control over-pronation/supination, thus helping keep your foot correctly aligned in the skate. Well, do they? :blink:

EDIT: questionmark

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I think they work really well. On the stabilizer part off the heel cup, there's these little nubs that keep the heel cup centered and help prevent pronating/supenating (spelling's probably wrong). Arch support is great. I'd say try them out. Worst comes to worst, you can just return them if you don't like them. They have a 60day satisfaction period even if you use them and cut them down to your skate size. Give em a shot. I like mine. Only downside is that the plastic support doesn't stick very well to the foam part of the footbed so you may have to glue them more. No big problem.

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Where can you get them?

ePuck carries the Grey Synergizer, which is the model recommended for skates. Many shoe stores (and hundreds of online stores) carry Superfeet, but I've found very few carry this model, so call before you go somewhere. Try your LHS, too. There's also a dealer locator on the Superfeet website.

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