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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Necessary to lube new bearings?

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I just bought some Bevo 9 bearings from epuck.com. They come with a bottle of lube, and I was wondering if that's for future use or if I should lube them before skating on them. These bearings seem to not spin quite as well as the stock ones on my CCM PF2s (which are some ABEC 3s).

Is that normal? I assumed better bearings would have more spin.

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You really cant tell how well bearings are going to spin until you put them on the wheels and skate on them...Not spinning in your hand or in the wheels spinning it either on the skate or in your hand is not a good consideration of how well the bearings will spin...Bevo abec 9's are great bearings, you need to skate on them a few sessions and get them broke in and spinning...I personally have never oiled new bearings and have had no trouble, but someone else here may can help ya on that one.

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Absolutely, positively should not need lubing the first game. If they do, aren't spinning properly, send them back. They're busted!

I've said it before, I'll say it again. I skate no less than 3 times a week, year round. I have YET to lube any of my bearings. I used to with outdoor bearings, just cuz all the crap I was getting in them, then cleaning them with various washes, you need to lube after that. But indoor bearings, if cared for properly, that being not exposed to water or humidity, should be fine and remain lube-free indefinitely. You might want to get a squirt in there just to make yourself feel better, but I really don't think they need them. I would say maybe once a season, or every 3 months or so. To me, that's exorbitant, but if you're one of those types that has to do it, then go for it.

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I play outdoor 3 times a week nature willing and I used to lube after cleaing. I found that all lube did was pick up more dirt. I just wipe the bearing of dirt and do not lube frequently. I use Bones swiss and I find that their speed cream is ideal for post cleaning lubrication if I do it at all

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Most bearings will be working like a dream after a few good skates on them, give them time to break in, they wont reach their potential straight away. As for keeping them that way, i found that every couple of months or so id clean my bearings by opening them up and leaving them to soak in some white spirit for a while. That stuff would whip all of that dirt out of them and soon enough they would be flying again ;)

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