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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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first kor problem?

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Hey guys I have been skating in Kor skates for around 2 months now and I have loved them. Ive been playing all year with a cracked bone above my ankle and once I started skating in these that pain is gone, along with all the other pain. Latley though right above my ankle has been hurting (not the broken one, which is weird) Its like whenever that part touches my skate it hurts. Has this ever happened to anyone? If so what did you do? What can I do? Should I rebake them and put that little pad there or get them punched out right there (its at the very top of the skate where the top eye hole is but directly up from the ankle bone). I lost that pad that came with the skates, where can I get another one, can I buy one from someone on here as no dealers around me have Kor. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.

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This has been discussed in one of the other Kor posts. If you reach inside the top of the boot, you'll fell the stitching there is really rough and not flush with the rest of the material. The thread feels like heavy fishing wire. I am having a problem on one side where it is cutting into my ankle and making me bleed prety badly.

So much so that I am currently looking for another skate to replace this. Never had this problem with any other brand before.


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Is it like this in most of the Kor skates? I love them but this is a big problem. Its been bothering me for about 2 weeks and I just thought it would go away. Should I contact Kor about this, is it possible I can get new skates? I love these skates. They blew my xxx's away and dont feel like skating in anything but these. I might try out RBK I guess if I can't get a new pair. Any more help would be great guys? My big question is if this problem is now fixed so if I get a new pair I wont have to deal with this again. Thanks in advance.

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It's the stitching on the inside of the boot at the top where it touches the ankle. I am calling Kor today to speak with someone about this. I'll update later with their response.

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It's the stitching on the inside of the boot at the top where it touches the ankle. I am calling Kor today to speak with someone about this. I'll update later with their response.

I checked mine and I dodn't really think that the stitching was rough at all. Hoenstly, I'm still wondering if you're tying the tops eyelets way too tight. I'm no expert. But, I don't have this problem at all.

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This has been discussed in one of the other Kor posts. If you reach inside the top of the boot, you'll fell the stitching there is really rough and not flush with the rest of the material. The thread feels like heavy fishing wire. I am having a problem on one side where it is cutting into my ankle and making me bleed prety badly.

So much so that I am currently looking for another skate to replace this. Never had this problem with any other brand before.


Would wearing a longer sock help? If the stitching is rough then I sock could help prevent irritation. I've never seen the inside of a Kor skate, but I thought I make a suggestion.

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It's the stitching on the inside of the boot at the top where it touches the ankle.  I am calling Kor today to speak with someone about this.  I'll update later with their response.

I checked mine and I dodn't really think that the stitching was rough at all. Hoenstly, I'm still wondering if you're tying the tops eyelets way too tight. I'm no expert. But, I don't have this problem at all.

I skated in mine without socks and never had a problem. I think you may be right about them being too tight.

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hmmmm. maybe that's why the stitching doesn't bother me..... Sage, what kind of socks do you wear?

Long socks. Underarmour. It rubs through the sock and casues bleeding...pretty bad. Never had a problem with any other skates before...this specific problem. It is the stitching inside the skate rubbing on the ankle.

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ok, back to the other question then. How tight do you have the top eyelets? They must have a really tight grip on your ankle. Just trying to help. I'm having problems with my one skate so any little thing could help one of us.

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I had a pair of skates that did exact same thing.. I was wearing the tongue outside the shin and not tying the top eyelet...old habit...

changed to putting shins over tongue and the tongue now did not let the skate rub in the spot//...

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I want to know why my skates were fine up to about 2 weeks ago. I have been trying everything but nothing helps. I really like these skates and dont want to ditch them. I have been trying to contact Kor but they wont get back to any of my calls or emails. Seems like there never around and this is really starting to piss me off. Im gonna be pissed if I dont get any help, and have to throw away a pair of $700 skates. Anyone know how I can get ahold of kor and talk to them about it. I dont see why they can't get me a new pair like what bauer did with my xx's after there was a defect. I did check and the stiching is different in that spot than the other boot. Please help me, thanks again.

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You could always try rebaking them and putting a pad in there to pull it away from your ankle a little. Of course, you're saying that the stitching is different on the skate that is bothering you so that may be something that you really need Kor to take a look at. Hopefully someone will get back in touch with you.

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JR what do you think? I think your the guy to ask about this. Have you seen this problem at all? Do you think rebaking them will be better? Should I try that with that pad thing (I lost that, where can I get another 1?). Is there anyway to actualy get ahold of Kor, I have been trying but haven't had any luck, and its been frustrating me. Is it possible this problem is only on my skates and I can get a new pair and it will be fine? Any help would be great, thanks.

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