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ACC forbids No. 1 fan sign



Linda White thinks the Air Canada Centre should take a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct after refusing to let her son Brody into last Saturday's game with his Maple Leaf sign because it was deemed a weapon.

"Brody, who is turning 10, was dressed up for Saturday night's game with the same enthusiasm as always -- a Leaf jersey, Leaf puck head, Leaf tattoos across his forehead and cheeks, a No. 1 finger sign and a No. 1 Leafs fan cardboard sign my husband made for the very first game he ever attended. He has some players' autographs on it," White said yesterday.

"We were shocked when we were told by (ACC) security he couldn't take (the cardboard sign) into the game because it is considered a weapon.

"The stick on the back is not much bigger than a paint stir stick."

The NHL and NBA have asked the ACC to bring in new security measures, spokesman Rajani Kamath said.

"In the present global climate we live in, these changes are necessary measures that support providing fans with a great environment," Kamath said.

White pointed out that the ACC sports centre store sells beer mugs and small wooden sticks for holding pucks.

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I like the idea of no signs on sticks but for a different reason than security.

Signs on sticks are easy to hold up all game long (and blocking the view of the person behind you all game long.)

Signs with no sticks only stay up until your arms get tired, and don't get held as high, so they are less obtrusive.

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Signs with no sticks only stay up until your arms get tired, and don't get held as high, so they are less obtrusive.

I'm against those too. Then again, I've been to games where the jackass in front of me held up a sign every time something happened until I took it away and ripped it up.

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They can be really weird sometimes at the gates. One time they won't care, other times they'll bust everyone for anything. It is very hypocritical that a kid can't come in with a sign on a stick, but I can buy a real stick and sit with it all game long.

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yeah, the signs can be very annoying. Although at the Scotiabank Place (formerly Corel Centre) they provide big of pieces paper and markers so you can make your own signs (but they have the MacDonald’s logo on it)...maybe if you have a corporate logo on it you'll be able to bring it in the door ;)

I still like this sign though...


and then there are the idiots who sit on the glass and feel the need to either hit the glass every time the play is close to them or turn around and wave at the camera every time the puck is near them...stupid :huh:

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