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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xx and Back pain

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Man i bought a pair of xx off ebay for 150$ and skated twice in them, i am now having back spasms..I have been skating in graf 727 with t blades for the last few months. Does anybody have any comments why my back may hurt ...is the xtra stifness causing me pain??

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Do you have a high instep? If the boot is not deep enough for your foot it will cause all kinds of lower back and arch pain. How far apart are the eyelets after you have laced up?

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exactly..and graf is the oposite with a forward pitch..the pain will reside soon as your body gets used to using the new "bauer" muscles in your back

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I had the same problem minus the spasms when I got my graf 735's with lightspeeds. Once I started going to the gym to work out on a regular basis and did back work outs the pain stopped. So I'd recommend hitting up the gym and working on your back to speed things up.

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