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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 6k or 8k pants?

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I am going to need some new breezers pretty soon since my tacklas are pz'd out. I thought I would give RBK a chance. It looks like the 6k and the 8k are the same, is it worth dishing out the extra money for the 8ks? The only thing I am hesitant about is the back protector. Anyone opinions or reviews would be great, thanks.

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How serious a game do you play? If it's contact go with the 8K for safety sake because you can't put a price on your protection. If you play no contact or little contact the 6K should do you so why put out the extra cash if you don't have to. ;)

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High school hockey in WI, next year possibly juniors. Im thinking the 8k then but I would like to try them on. I hope my LHS will order both pairs and let me try them on.

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i have the 8ks, absoluetley love em, i play competative hockey and high school, have gotten hit pretty damn hard and blocked some heavy shots, felt nothing, great protection and comofort, great pant if you play contact, any questions jsut pm or post

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i have the 8ks, absoluetley love em, i play competative hockey and high school, have gotten hit pretty damn hard and blocked some heavy shots, felt nothing, great protection and comofort, great pant if you play contact, any questions jsut pm or post

Have you ever used tackla's before? If so how do they compare? The only thing I dont like is that back protector, can you even notice it?

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