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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dying Gloves

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i have a pair of nylon gloves and i was wondering the procedure and if it was possible to do this. they are red and white and i want to make them navy. i tried to search first but my search button doesnt work. thanks.

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Try fabric paint! I used vinyl dye, it worked very well for the leather thumb part of the glove but didn't seen to hold that well on the nylon parts. I have been talking to some of the shop staff and they suggested fabric paint, so I am gona try that!

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yea i have the same problem i have black xxx gloves and i want to dye them either navy or red

Why wouldnt you just of bought the Navy or Red XXX to begin with?

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what kind of gloves and what size are they? i might just buy them off of you!

I dont think he was planning on selling them ;)

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could i use fabric paint for my pants as well?

Maybe, I don't know about that nylon type fabric though? You might want to ask at a craft type shop that would sell fabric paint! Maybe a dye would be better for pants?

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yea i have the same problem i have black xxx gloves and i want to dye them either navy or red

Why wouldnt you just of bought the Navy or Red XXX to begin with?

switched teams

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