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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1100 gloves

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Has anyone tried on the synergy 1100 gloves? I think they look awesome but they fit so short. Im usually a 14 inch glove and I tried a 15 inch and my fingers were jamming into the end. Is that by design? Do they eventually break in and fit bigger? Does anyone have any experience with them and can offer any feedback? Can I ask more questions in a single paragraph?

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Every Easton glove I've tried has had really short fingers. You may have to look at another brand.

That's why I have problems with a lof of gloves. I don't like the fingers to stop halfway down my finger.

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Had the same problem when I tried my friend's eastons as well. And I have quite short fingers...Eagles are wee bit too long for me. Maybe the older model easton synergys had longer fingers.

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All easton gloves fit small, but they do break in eventualy. The problem i had with the 1100 is not in the fingers, but in the palm. It is very slick and makes it very hard to keep your hands on the stick, i have heard the same complaint from many other players who have used them. If your looking for an easton glove try something like the 700 or the 550 both seem to fit a little longer and neither have the slick palm.

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